Waiting On My Son to Arrive. To Be Born.

My wife recently had an ultrasound.

We’re due to have another baby soon, but my wife’s measurements gave the doctor cause for concern. So we had an anatomy ultrasound to make sure everything was okay. And of course, everything is okay.

I guess you don’t usually get this ultrasound so late in pregnancy (unless your insurance is awesome I guess), but the baby is larger than expected and they wanted to check. That’s good.

What’s amazing was being able to see his little features through the monitor.
His nose. His lips. His eyes. His puff cheeks.
I was definitely feeling emotional. This little guy is ready and now we wait.

I can easily tell he’s going to resemble his older sister and me. That comes with anxiety.
I think about my life experiences and the challenges my children will face. Truths about the world they’ll have to discover. Life, it’s a journey.

Being a father is like no other job in the world. It’s tough. It takes patience and mindfulness. But it’s wonderful. I want to teach my children humility, strength, intelligence, and artful expression. Of course, some things can’t be taught.

I am many things. I’m an artist, an eternal student, an athlete, and a husband.
But dad my favorite label.

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